Jumat, 20 November 2015

Gili trawangan tour

Tourism area Gili Trawangan in West Nusa Tenggara is one of the world's favorite destination that presents a marine tourism experience is very interesting. Destination is far from noise, gives you landscape, however, natural beauty and trampled flat under a breathtaking. 

In the year 2011, Lonely planet Best has released a booklet travel and tourism area to incite Trawangan as one of the "Top 10 Region" most recommended in the world to be visited. Tourism Objects Lombok America that one is able to give a memorable tour experience for you.

Tourism Objects are administratively Gili Trawangan is located in the West Nusa Tenggara Province, located in north-West Lombok Island. Gili Trawangan is a small island around 2 km and has a wide so far 1.5 km You can walk around pulau indah this by walking around for two hours.

In the tourism region Gili Trawangan, there is no such motor vehicle because it was forbidden. If you ever get tired on foot, you can use a bicycle rented or ride cidomo (horse carts parade) that were there.

Not only land pollution free and it is natural, this island as sandy coastlines white with blue sea water is clear, and under seawater beauty.

Gili Trawangan address: The sub-district, North district Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
Map location: click here
GPS Coordinate: -8.3503092,116.0362061
Spot interesting Gili Trawangan Tour

Here are some interesting objects and spot that can be found when exploring the beauty visit Gili Trawangan.

1. Sandy coastlines white

in that kawasan wisata contours, however Gili Trawangan are no different from other beaches Lombok spread of white sands, has a clean and beautiful coastal panorama. With the seawater clear, is rich sea biota. From the seashore, you can relax while enjoying better Mount Rinjani and the mountains of Songs from a distance.

2. Alam under the sea

snorkel activities and diving is the most popular tourist area Gili Trawangan. You can find services diving licensed international office in there. Thus, it will be easy to find a tour guide and diving equipment that is needed.

There are a number spot diving that is well-known in Gili Trawangan. Each one of them has its own uniqueness. Some spot diving popular, among them are Jack Point, sharkpoint, Halik Reef, coralfangardern, Bounty Reef, Trawangan Maximum permitted slope value is, Simon Reef, and Turbo.

Often, each operator diving there have spot-spot blue chips with difficulty to fit your diving ability. If you were reluctant to dive, you can still enjoy the beauty sea biota Gili Trawangan to snorkeling alone.

When diving, you can watch natural beauty under the sea are enchanting Gili Trawangan, including found green turtles there. Rare Animals can be seen at a depth of 10-20 meters below the surface of the sea.

3. Sunset at Gili Trawangan

is one among other things that liked by many lover travel. The enchantment of sunset (sunset) in Gili Trawangan seemed so beautifully in a location that called Sunset View in the west island.

You can go there with walking, cycling, or up horse carts parade. You will find many tourists who had gathered there. This location is pleased as the place to relax until chatting while waiting for the sun back to peraduannya. Don't khawati if you hungry or thirsty, there are many food vendors there.

4. Turtle Conservation

turtle conservation is located near the port Gili Trawangan. Here are kept its turtles, which will be released into the lake to be able to reproduce freely. Usually, customary ceremony will be held such animals in the release this into the sea.

5. Presean

Presean is a traditional art self-defense from the community Sasak in West Nusa Tenggara. This Art You can see in the surrounding Art Market. This Art is regarded as extreme, it is possible that you will see a player who was injured when competing in the self-defense. This activity is often cheered by the accompaniment beleganjur, the traditional music Lombok, including voices commentators through loudspeakers.

6. Live music

Accomodation on the island Gili Trawangan is regarded as very, very good. A number bar and cafe in there is often provides public screening live music. This, Of course, is one of the entertainment that attractive when traveling to incite Trawangan. Among foreign tourists, bar and cafe is one of the favorite place to enjoy a good night in Earthen Trawangan.

Hotel in Gili Trawangan

You can find hotel or lodging in Earthen Trawangan online to ensure availability rooms. One of the issue with online popular ones are AGODA.
Access to the area visit Gili Trawangan

tourist area On the way to incite Trawangan can start from island of Bali. You would be easy to find some travel agencies that offers a tour package and Lombok Bali integrated tour packages, even Gili Trawangan.

To be able to incite Trawangan, you can ride public transportation from city of Mataram. A route that will be traversed by is Mataram - Rembiga - Pamenang. Upon arrival at Pamenang, the trip was continued by boat toward Trawangan. Don't beat that is needed is about 45 minutes. Upon arrival at the port Trawangan, you can find bureaus counter that offers a tour package Gili Trawangan, among them were diving (diving, snorkeling, up cidomo, and others

sumber : initempatwisata.com

Kamis, 19 November 2015

The great General Sudirman

General sudirman known as one of the mighty services Indonesia, remembered is in the struggle for independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. General Soedirman according to Great spelling Soewandi read Sudirman, He is one of those people who have five-star rank besides Suharto and A H. Nasution. General of the army Indonesia was born in Bodas Karangjati, Rembang, Purbalingga, January 24, 1916. His father was named, Karsid Kartawiuraji and his mother called Siyem, his mother,. 

But he was more lives with his uncle named Raden Cokrosunaryo after adopted. When Sudirman moved to Cilacap in 1916, he joined with Islamic organization Muhammadiyah and a student who diligently and active in extracurricular activities. His capacity in led and organise and obedience in Islam made he was honored by the community. General Sudirman was one of the great figures among the very few other people who has ever been born by a revolution. 

When she was 31 years he has become a general. Although he was sick lung damage, he guerilla war against the Dutch troop. He studied at HIS background was a teacher in Cilacap and intense in scouting Boy Scout Organization, Hizbul Wathan.

Japanese occupation Sudirman When he went in, PETA (Pembela Tanah Air) in Bogor, who had been completed so education, directly to battalion commander in Kroya. The Commander of Division V/Banyumas after TKR formed, and finally Supreme Commander of the War was chosen to Republic of Indonesia (TNI Commander).  It is a hero Advocate Independence that don't care on the state itself to maintain their Republic of Indonesia, loves. He noted as the first General as well as the younger this Republic.

Sudirman is one of the fighters and leaders as an example this nation. His or her to principle and conviction; always puts the interests of community and nation his personal interests above. He is always consistent and consistent in defend our homeland, nation, and the state. This was able to be seen when Military Aggression II Netherlands. He was in the state weak because of his illness remains committed to participate jump guerilla even though it must was carried. In cases of illness, he led and to encourage the soldiers to fight back to Holland. That is why it is referred to is one of the great figures who was born to the revolution this country.

Sudirman who was born in Bodas Karangjati, Purbalingga, January 24, 1916, was a formal education from the School Taman Siswa, a school that is famous for soul national. Then he proceeds to HIK (school teachers) of Muhammadiyah, Solo but not to have been completed. Sudirman young people that is famous for discipline and is at Scouting organization Boy Scout Organization, Hizbul Wathan was then became a teacher studied at HIS Muhammadiyah in Cilacap. Discipline, the soul educators and scouting is then supplies for his or her to be able to supreme leader Army.

While military education initiating any other formal activities by following Defenders of the Fatherland military education (Peta) in Bogor. When you're finished education, he was appointed to be the Commander battalion in Kroya. At that time, the man who has firm attitude is often protest against military action Japanese high and mighty
act harsh and his soldiers. Because of the attitude he stressed that, a times himself almost alone was killed by Japanese army.

After the Indonesian independence, in a battle with Japanese troops, he managed to grab a weapon Japanese troops in Banyumas. His first services Such as the military post-independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. People's Security Army after TKR () has been established, he then appointed to be the Commander of Division V/Banyumas with his title as a Colonel. And through Conference TKR on November 2, 1945, he was chosen as Commander Supreme Commander of the War TKR/Republic of Indonesia. Next, in on December 18, 1945 General rank given to it by the President. General rank And So it is not through Military Academy or other higher education as more often than not, but because his achievement.

As the allied forces come to Indonesia with a reason to disarm Japanese army, it turns out that Dutch soldiers participate riding along with. Therefore, TKR finally involved battle with allied forces. So in December 1945, the army TKR, led by Sudirman involved battle against the army Britain in Amberawa. And on 12 December, the same year, dilancarkanlah simultaneous attacks against all British position. This battle raged on for five days, eventually forced British troops resigned on Semarang.

The Dutch troops it again and its aggression or more popularly known as Military Aggression II
Netherlands, the capital of the Republic of Indonesia is in Yogyakarta for Jakarta City had previously be used. General Sudirman were in Yogyakarta is sick. It is very weak due to his lungs that only tingggal one that function.

Dutch Military Agression II In that, Yogyakarta then which be used Dutch. Bung Karno and Bung Hatta and some cabinet members have also taken into captivity. See the state, even though President Soekarno advised had to remain in the city for maintenance. But urging people could not be complied because the drive him, to do resistance to remember his responsibilities and Dutch to lead the army.

Engaging in a Guerrilla War
And was carried by, he left led the army to engaging in a guerrilla war. For About seven months he moved from forests that one to the forest, from mountain to mountain in cases of illness and weak once while medicines also have almost no. But to his troops he always gave spirit and guide as if he does not feel their disease. But finally he must go home from medan guerrillas, he could no longer leads the War directly, but his thoughts are needed.

Sudirman during Japanese occupation period a member of the Board local food and members of the House of Representatives Keresidenan Banyumas, this has been set up a cooperative to help the people of famine. General who has a social life, was finally must have died in that age is still relatively young, 34 years old. On January 29, 1950, the Great died in Magelang, and be buried in Heroes Cemetery patriots in Semaki, Yogyakarta. He was appointed as a hero Advocate Independence.

Following This Complete data about General Soedirman Great
work experience:

Teachers in HIS Muhammadiyah in Cilacap
Organizational experience:
Scouting Boy Scout Organization, Hizbul Wathan

position in the military:

The Great TKR/Indonesian Military (TNI) General rank, with Big Five-Star
the Commander of Division V/Banyumas, with his title as a
Commander Colonel battalion in Kroya

a sign of respect:

Hero Advocate Independence

Rabu, 18 November 2015

The three -level waterfall

Indonesia also has many natural beauty that spread throughout the whole provinces, starting from the coast, including the hill country, the beauty under the sea, to flora and fauna which is famous throughout all across the country in the world. Including natural tourism objects that are located in West Sumatra which are rich natural beauty, will include a quite popular in West Sumatra is natural Tourism waterfalls or the so-called three levels by the people around the waterfall Tigo Tingkek. Which presents natural beauty that is very impressive and give panorama nature which mesmerized for anyone who saw it.

Waterfall tigo tingkek is a tourism objects which is located at the foot bukit Barisan and powerful waterfalls, is located in 600 meters above the sea. so that it is very natural beauty and not touched by hands ignorant people. According to his name breakdown there are waterfall that 

has 3 levels, the community Cindakir call it with the name Lubuk Black. Beauty that emanates from the waterfall this terntunya akansangat mesmerized the visitors waterfall three levels.

To reach levels both from the waterfall three levels visitors can use two alternatives, while reaching out to the top of the waterfall three levels are to be passed on to crawl. Waterfall three level is a tourist attraction waterfalls which are very suitable for those fond of and natural tourism also adventure. But to ride the waterfall three levels should need to confidence with a capacity each individual, because enough harm. especially for children who want to go to three levels waterfall.

Location waterfall three levels are in the village Koto Lubuk Black Cindakir, City of Padang. To reach the waterfall visitors has a way 22 km from the city The field. It could be taken by using public transportation, or even if we want travel more convenient can be rented car or motorcycle taxi use.

With the beauty and give the activity that the waterfall challenge in the area three levels is, of course can be a recommendation that it is very good for you visit when holiday season has arrived. Cold water and fresh air surely very convenient for you and your family or with his colleagues spend time together in tourism area waterfall three levels.

Selasa, 17 November 2015

Raja ampat paradise world in indonesia

Raja Ampat Tour is places of interests in Papua, which have been worldwide. Fame Raja
Ampat Islands as one of the most interesting journey destination have been documented in the documentary, entitled "Edis Paradise 3" with the screening have its premiere in Switzerland. Documentary film that was made by Avant Premiere this natural beauty under the sea lift Raja Ampat Islands in Papua is referred to as Amazon Sea World. This is because the position nickname Raja Ampat was located in the center triangle coral world. Raja Ampat Islands, including in West Papua is territorial cluster of islands

with 610 scattered islands, but only 35 island that was occupied by the people.

Erlu known that 75% fish species in the world is in the waters Raja Ampat Islands. Seas on Raja Ampat Islands are natural ecosystems that are still maintained kelesetariannya until now. The natural strategic sea in Papua has caused visit Raja Ampat Islands in Papua to the laws protected Republic of Indonesia.

This is to prevent various actions damaging marine ecosystems that merely pursue profit business. It was not without reason that! Raja Ampat Islands Tourism has become the focus world tour at this time.

Raja Ampat Islands Tourism in Papua offers several tourism objects that are very interested by foreign tourists in particular, the diving. In diving dives under the sea and were Raja Ampat snorkeling in natural beauty will show Raja Ampat Islands under the sea in Papua is so charming, with various kinds of fish species and coral reef fish-life natural. Raja Ampat Diving at will show you various fish species that even You have not previously knew. Remember, 75% fish species were Raja Ampat world is in. Have you seen skate fish manta? Wide body of the fish pari was even reached 2 m.

Uniquely, the two tour with in diving, which included in the world's most interesting receives attention from the foreign tourists. Foreign citizens interest and the number of his visit with a trend that's time in time to make the two visit Indonesia's marine became so this is in the international. Thus the lover travel from the land that is lost in visiting tourist sea.

, It has to be admitted that cost factor is the major cause that make domestic tourists coming to the visit Raja Ampat Papua still was considered to be a little bit. A infrastructure in Papua, which have not been adequate and the amount of the fees transportation/from Papua to make a place in Papua have not yet been many tourists visiting Indonesia. Not to mention about accommodation and logistical questions still to be issued during Raja Ampat Islands enjoyed the tour.

Different with foreign tourists who have high revenue higher than the people in Indonesia, the current financial climate allows them to enjoy diving as one of tourism objects Raja Ampat Islands that most popular. This is also seen in tourist areas Weh island in Sabang Aceh. High return foreign tourists more rather than domestic tourists.

What Raja Ampat Islands tourism objects?

 Diving and snorkeling is one of the tour activity Raja Ampat Islands is the most well-known. However, you must know that tourism place in Papua is also has a forest that heavy rains, cluster limestone a multi-colored, various plant species rare, and their nests sea turtle on the coast.

Some tourists will Raja Ampat surf in it for this tour has waves of the sea challenging. Some of the islands in Raja Ampat Islands that is most often visited by Island was Wayag, Island Waiwo, coral Island Islands, Gam, and on the Island Arborek. If you want to see the birds of paradise is a unique wildlife Papua, you can visit The Island Gam. There are 4 types of birds of paradise that live in The Islands Gam, which is red bird of paradise, bird of paradise, a small bird of paradise, and bird of paradise divided rattan.
ika Anda tertantang untuk mendaki karang, pergilah ke Pulau Karang. Di pulau ini Anda akan mendaki karang dengan tingkat kemiringan mencapai 90 derajat. Jika berhasil sampai di atas, Anda akan terpukau dengan keindahan panorama laut Raja Ampat. Di puncak karang tersebut, Anda dapat melihat keselurahan pulau hijau yang dikeliling birunya air laut.

The route Raja Ampat transportation to visit

to the Raja Ampat islands nearby places that, you can reach aircraft is the city Sorong, with distance around 6 hour flight from Jakarta. It is usually plane will be transit in Makassar or Manado. Airlines which has the travel schedule toward Sorong among others Silk Air, Garuda Indonesia, and the Lamp water, and Doves. Next, you will go to Waisai, the capital city Raja Ampat Islands. City Waisai is located on the Island Waigeo, one of 4 main island (large island) in Raja Ampat Islands. Large Island Raja Ampat Islands is Misool, the Island Salawati Batanta Island, and the Island Waigeo. 

sumber : initempatwisata.com

Senin, 16 November 2015

Mohammad Hatta, Indonesia's first vice president

Biography of vice president Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta is one of the fighters that very honorable for Indonesia's independence. He was known as the leading figure of. He was born on August 12, 1902, exactly in the Hill, West Sumatra. He was well-known as the name Bung Hatta. Mohammad Hatta was born from a mother who was named Siti Saleha and a father who was called Muhammad Djamil. Hatta was brought up under the custody that religious people. His grandfather was a Muslim scholars who built a mosque in Batuhampar. Background mother's house as traders. Family from his mother is categorized as traders who successfully.

And Biography profile Mohammad Hatta study in Europese Largere School (ELS) in Bukittinggi that at this time changed its name to SMAN I The field. He is also a way study in Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) in the field. She also studied related to trade the Handel Middlebare School (High School Turns) and the latest she studied in the Netherlands in Nederland Handelshogeschool. This is where he was awarded a Drs. knowledge of religion is also not escape from education fleeting. He even studying religion scholars with who was in Indonesia among others Abdullah Ahmad, Muhammad Jamil Jambek, , and a number of other scholars.
Mohammad Hatta not only played a role as the leading figure, but he is also active in organization and politics. His role in the political world started he was re-elected to treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond in the region The field. Political knowledge that he had developed rapidly when he often attending various meetings of politics. He also joined with a social organization. The Organization called Indische Vereeniging. This Organization finally turned into a political organization. This happens because of the Ki Hadjar Dewantara which has considerable influence in the development organization.

  •  1932 : Nederland Handelshogeschool | Rotterdam | Belanda
  •  1921 : Sekolah Tinggi Dagang Prins Hendrik School | Batavia
  • 1919 : Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School | Padang
  • 1916 : Europeesche Lagere School | Padang
  • 1913-1916 : SD Melayu Fort de kock | Minangkabau
  • 1975 | Chairman of the Committee Five
  • 1969 | Counselor and President Advisory Commission IV
  • 1954-1959 | a professor at Gadjah Mada University | Jogjakarta
  • 1951-1961 | Lecturer Sesko army | Bandung
  • 1949-1950 | Vice President, Prime minister and Foreign Minister NKRIS
  • 1949 | Head of indonesian delegation Roundtable Conference | Den Haag
  • 1948-1949 | Vice President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense
  • 1945 | Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia's first
  • 1945 Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia | of
  • Vice Chairman of the Committee 1945 | preparation independence day of the Republic of Indonesia
  • 1945 | Member of the investigators business preparation Independence
  • 1942 | Office Chief Adviser Army Japan
  • 1934-1935 | Chairman of the Committee National Education Indonesia
  • 1927-1931 | Indonesian delegation Vice Premier League against Imperialism and Colonialism | Berlin
  • 1925-1930 | Chairman Indonesia Association | Netherlands
  • 1920-1921 | Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond | Jakarta
  • 1916-1919 | Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond Indonesian National Party | field
  • Club Indonesian Department of National education.
  • The Arab League against Imperialism
  • Assembly Indian Ocean.
  •  Jong Sumatranen Bond.

  • National Hero.
  • Mr co-operatives Indonesia.
  • Doctor Honoris Causa | of Gadjah Mada University. 
  • Proklamator Indonesia.
  •  The Founding Father's of Indonesia

Minggu, 15 November 2015

Siung Beach Yogyakarata Indonesia

Siung Beach Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta Indonesia

One of the beach that keep the potential natural bias were outside Siung Beach Gunung Kidul Indonesia. Although among the tourists, however was not se-famous Baron beach, but for the adventurer for cliff climbing, this beach is a place which is obliged to be visited.

Siung beach is located in Tepus Sub-located 100 km from Yogyakarta city offers a place for climbing challenging and the scenery of the enchantment is interesting. The least experienced hikers Many from both domestic and foreign traveling to this place to try to conquer cliff at Siung Beach is this.

This beach is big enough to do various activities, ranging from various playing with sand and waves, fishing and playing beach volleyball. A beach is not too many and tend to be quiet so that it is very convenient and quiet for a vacation.

One of the prominent enchantments One of this beach is the rock karanganya a gigantic size in the east and the west's role, in addition to beautify and to border with other beach, the naming coral beach.

Rock protrudes which is a bit into the sea and according to a super in this place that is called the name of the beach Wastoyo, was taken from the form that a monkey Siung Wanara. Until now a stone was still able to enjoy the beauty combined with a wave that presents the beautiful scenery always menerpanya dramastis.

Coral reefs is shaped cloves was up to now still stand by rubbing wave and witness of the triumph of Siung area pad the past. According to the story old, Siung area at the time of the mayor to trade center in the region Gunungkidul. Not far from this beach in Winangun area there is a traditional market. Standstill was Kami and Mrs Podi, his wife palace servants Keraton Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Most of the people Cloves in wakatu area make their living by producing salt even though the place there are many kinds of fish but not much dares to go to sea at the time. Salt produced by local people was becomes the main commodity in Winangun market.

According to the old, market gradually quiet, because Winangun market was transferred to Yogyakarta that is now named Jowinangun that. Stands for Jobo Winangun , Winangun or foreign Winangun area.

Amid the quiet beauty of the coral reefs at that time is starting to play a role as around the year 1989, however this nature lovers group coming from Japan to utilized as an arena for cliff climbing suggests.

Next, to menpercepat developing tour destinations bay was mainly for cliff climbing, the local government DIY at the end of 2005 officially opened the special interests for cliff climbing in this place, the tourists started to arrive to see the beauty, however. Next siung beach is starting to straighten up and the more well-known after this place is used for location Asean Climbing Gathering 2005 that was followed by 250 participants climber from 6 countries ( Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, France and Germany )

Siung Beach is more and more visited by tourists mainly at holidays and last week. Community nature lovers MAPALA (Students) from various campus and FPTI ( Forum Climber Tebing Tinggi Indonesia ) often use this place to conduct training and exercise on Saturday and Sunday.

In the area for cliff climbing was there are about 250 routes for climbing with difficulty and different characteristics. So many people call Siung Beach is as the best rock climbing sites Yogyakarta.

You can also go up to train tebing tinggi karst topography majestic standing in the west coast. Cliff is usually used by the least experienced hikers to sport and trial courage for cliff climbing he nature. There is a cliff was Among the squares that can be used for the place camp and the lighting bonfires. From a height tebing tinggi suggests you can see Siung Beach as a whole industry that is phenomenal.

Not far from camping ground or where the house on stilts camp was standing timber that can be used to base camp spend as another choice than erecting the tent in this place. A base camp was enough for 15 people. You can rent from local residents that place to spend the night in base camp while enjoying at Siung Beach night atmosphere.

When evening comes and the atmosphere began to desolation, if you will see lucky long-tailed monkeys group fell from the top cliff climbing to the beach. Apes, their habitats became increasingly rare in this could still can we come across in the night. The apes this may be a reason why rock form of monkey is not teeth and other animals.

Siung Beach location is located in the village Wates, the village Purwodadi, Tepus Sub-District, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

to your own vehicle can use the track travel: Yogyakarta - Wonosari - Tepus - Purwodadi - Cloves

while, if you are using public transportation : from Giwangan bus station to seek bus heading for Yogyakarta-Wonosari, after reaching the Wonosari replace transportation routes Wonosari-Tepus. From the terminal Tepus your motorcycle taxi service can only use hiring contract.

Ticket price
ticket price for entering Siung Beach is Rp 3.000 ,-.  Parking fees And for motorcycle of Rp 2.000 ,- (2014)

Siung Beach have facilities that standard and sufficient as tempatt parking area, and the toilet will general food stalls, and who sold food and drinks. Food stalls are available that presents processed products menu sea fish.

This beach has not provided lodging place, only if a state of emergency, which has the shape of a feast climber stage-house that capacity of 12-15 and that can be used to spend the night. If you want to combine with a natural atmosphere and it will be better if you bring tents for encamped in rags ground behind coral cliff.

For those of you who love berpetualangan mainly for cliff climbing siung beach gunung kidul are suitable for a tour package you are in Yogyakarta.

Sabtu, 14 November 2015

Caruban beach in Rembang Indonesia

Caruban beach in Rembang Indonesia

Tourism Places, Caruban beach in Rembang, Tourism Places Lasem Beautiful - One more tourist beach in Rembang regency worth visiting at holidays, namely, Caruban Beach in Lasem. , Caruban Beach actually have official name antai Gedng faces widespread, but has been too late to know this beach with the name, However Caruban. Have enchanting natural Caruban Beach that is not less to the beach coral reefs Ginger. On the beach Caruban also unfold white sands that surrounded the pine plantation beauty. There were many visitors who arrive at the beach was mainly based holiday season has arrived. The visitors who arrive was mostly using motorcycle and car also personal. For the group with a king esar bus is still very rare. This is because it was for access to the beach Caruban itself also was not so great. If only to be crossed cars are still able to, but if it is for bis is quite difficult. In addition, the Coastal Caruan in Rembang Regency was also known only a limited Rembang itself and the surrounding area. So there are not many people from other areas that traveling to the beach that this beautiful.

Tourism Places, Caruban Beach in Lasem Rembang

Caruban Beach is located in the village Gedong Mulyo, Lasem Sub-district, Rembang Regency, Central Java or more precisely in the northern Routes Rembang-Lasem. Distance from the highway beach is about 1.5 kilometers

facilities Where Beach Tourism Caruban

Although there are still is a new developed, the beach Caruban is already have some facilities that are intended to spoil the visitors, including the parking area that a large, shop that sells various foods. And bathroom Toilet general, there has been a at the location beach tourism Caruban was so for those who want to take a bath on the beach not to worry to find a place changed his clothes.

Admission price, Caruban Beach Rembang

For entering the beach tourism Caruban Rembang is for motorcycles will be charged for Rp 3000 rupiah while for the car free of charge of 8000 rupiah. Enough is cheaper not?

So this information on The Beach Tourism Caruban in Lasem Rembang. Hopefully can inspire you and we hope that Tourism in Rembang Regency added forward and many visited wsatawan.

Soekarno, indonesia's first persiden

Biography of President Soekarno

Soekarno, first President of the Republic of Indonesia that is usually called Bung Karno, born in Blitar, East Java, JUNE 6, 1901 and died in Jakarta, June 21, 1970. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and his mother Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. During his life, he had three wives and blessed with eight children. From his wife Fatmawati have children Guntur, Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati and Thunder. From his wife Hartini have Taufan and Bayu, while from his wife Ratna Sari Dewi, women derived Japan whose original Naoko Nemoto had no children.

When it was born, Soekarno given the name conductor Sosrodihardjo by their parents. But because he often sick five years old when his name was changed to Soekarno by his father. These Names taken from a commander of war in the story Bharata Yudha that matters. "We are precious" to "Karno" because it was in Javanese language letter "a" turned into a "o" while prefix "su" means "good".

In the days when he became President R. I. , spelling Soekarno's name is replaced by her own to Sukarno according to her name was using spelling colonialists. He is still uses the name Soekarno's signature because the signature is a signature that are listed in The text of Independence Proclamation were Indonesia that cannot be changed. The title is familiar to Soekarno is Bung Karno Stadium.

The small Soekarno only a few years living with his parents at Blitar. During elementary school to have been completed, he lived in Surabaya, lodger in the Major Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, politicians veteran co-founder Syarikat Islam. Then continue to schools in HBS (Hoogere Burger School).  When study in HBS, Soekarno, unite people her nationalism feeling. After graduating HBS in 1920, moved to Bandung THS (and to extend Technische Hoogeschool or school Tekhnik, who is now a ITB).  He succeeded in gaining title of "Ir" in May 25, 1926. 

Then, he formulate teaching Marhaenism and set up the Indonesian National Party (lndonesia) in July 4, 1927, with the aim Indonesian Independence. As a result, the Netherlands, will be admitted to prison Sukamiskin, Bandung in December 29, 1929. Eight months later new trial. In its defense entitled Indonesia to make a claim, he shows the Netherlands, people who admitted that more advanced.

His defense, Netherlands increasingly angry. So that, in July 1930, the Indonesian National Party is to be dissolved. After free at the end of 1931, Soekarno join with Partindo and at the same time lead it. As a result, he again was arrested and thrown into Dutch Ende, Flores, in 1933. Four years later moved to Bengkulu.

After going through the struggle that was quite long, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed independence in August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI on June 1, 1945, Ir. Soekarno put forward the idea of the state that he referred Pancasila. On August 17, 1945, Ir. Soekarno and Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed the independence Indonesia. In the trial PPKI, AUGUST 18, 1945 Ir. Soekarno-elected by acclamation as President of the Republic of Indonesia, the first.

Previously, he also successfully formulates Pancasila, which later became the basis (ideological) of the Republic of Indonesia. He tried to unite nusantara. Even Soekarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung in 1955 that later developed into Non-Aligned Movement. 

The G-30-S/PKI gave birth to great political crisis that caused the People's Consultative Assembly resentment over its liabilities. In contrast to lift the People's Consultative Assembly President Soeharto as the official. His health continued to worsen, a day in sunday, June 21, 1970 he dies in RSPAD. He was buried in Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and was buried in Blitar, East Java near his mother grave, Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai. The Government give as "Hero Proclamation".


June 01, 1945 Soekarno reported vision of philosophy and the State that was known as the day was born pancasila. On 18-April 25, 1955 Soekarno bring Indonesia succeeded in organizing Konferesi Asia-Africa in Bandung. JULY 05, 1959 Soekarno issued a decree which stated that the 1945 effectiveness again. September 30, 1960 Soekarno reminded the liberation of West Irian and realized with Trikora. JANUARY 14, 1999 may be a sign of appreciation badge duties kencana, some parts of a line of ownership titles, including honorary doctorate 27.

tourist area in Kaliurang Yogyakarta, Indonesia

tourist area in Kaliurang Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Tourist destinations Can offer you will be an alluring natural beauty of nan at the foot of Merapi volcano Jogjakarta. This is one of the charms of a number of tourist attractions in Yogyakarta which is popular among lovers of travel. Administratively, the area is located in the village of Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This area is at an altitude of about 900 meters above sea level on Mount Merapi's South and is approximately 25 km from the city center. The contours of the region which is on the plateau made the air temperature in the area is so cool with the temperature range between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Way to Kaliurang gives you a wonderful panorama, with towering mountains, landscapes of the green to the right and left side of the road, and the air is so fresh. Not to mention the various playgrounds in Kaliurang natural travel and entertainment fun. This is the reason why the area became one of the family's favorite tourist destinations in jogjakarta, the right choice for your kids.

The existence of the attractions that this one has been going on since the days of Netherlands exist in Indonesia. At that time, Kaliurang is one place to rest the Madam and meneer Netherlands. At present, infrastructure and public facilities in Kaliurang awake in such good and increasingly complete and became one of the tourist attractions you Sleman in Yogyakarta.

Address: Kaliurang Village Of Hargobinangun, Kec. Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta special region location map: click here the GPS coordinates:-7.596794, 110.426213

Interesting spots in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta

Da a number of places in Kaliurang that interesting we can visit, among them are as follows.

1. Tlogo Putri

is Located at the foot hill is Plawangan Turgo garden, Tlogo Putri is unity and natural tourism visit water that liked by many tourists who come to Kaliurang. The enchantment Kaliurang that one was found in its vast natural resources, restoring calm, cool. A small lake (tlogo) is the place where you and the children can play canoe or pedicab water. 

There, you can play flying fox if love, or just take a photograph of photos and enjoy the panorama surrounding nature. To be able check-in, you will only be charged for entrance ticket Tlogo Putri Rp 2,500 per person, it is not included parking fee vehicle.

2. Gardu padang

This observation post Merapi Mountain and this time to become one of the most interesting Kaliurang. Gardu Padang In, you can see Merapi Mountain even though there is a clear and sometimes mountains will be no cloud over it and this is usually happens at that time and in the evening. Located in the edge times. Boyong, from Gardu Padang this You will be able to be able to enjoy the scenery natural Kaliurang that is so beautiful. Indeed, relay station's Point in Kaliurang was not of that is in Ketep Pass Magelang.

3. Museum Volcanic Merapi

And This is one of the best place to get many in Kaliurang-related information that the eruption of the Merapi Mountain with. In this museum You can know the origin of the occurrence of the process by volcanic eruption until now.

Not only that, you can know so many things about the myth that related to Mount Merapi. Museum Volcanic Merapi. Boyong Harjobinangun is located on Jl., Sub-district Pakem, Sleman Regency.

4. Japanese cave

That is cave in Kaliurang remains Japanese army which at the time was in place of refuge cave is as allies from attack by a temporary shelter and to them. The enchantment of unique goa is there are 25 the cave that is connected with each other in a captivating.

You have to do trekking for less than 45 minutes to arrive in goa. One thing again, you can see beautiful panorama Merapi Mountain from close when a trip to Nirmolo Kaliurang.

5. The Garden is Plawangan Turgo 

another served panorama nature that was so beautiful, you can go to the Park is Plawangan Turgo garden tour. This is of course will be very pleasant for those of you who loves sports cross country. Kaliurang tourism Spot one that is organized with tropical forests neat and there are rocks eruption of Merapi volcano result, the volcano at the age reached 40,000 years.

From this place You can watch an area or the area that has never been dashed by heat clouds Merapi Mountain in November 1994 years ago. Also, you can watch flock monkey who also live in this garden.

6. The Playing Field Children

There was no fun in addition to play for your children. Kaliurang Tourism presents an area the playing field area of 1 ha for your sons and daughters. In the playing field, available some kids' games, such as-controlled car swing,, etc. This Garden plants have a leafy, presents shelter for everyone who has a stops in to yourself there.

there there are many places pengginapan from a cheap price until the expensive is suitable for those who likes traveling