Rabu, 04 November 2015

Raden Adjeng Kartini, Indonesia

Raden Adjeng Kartini, Indonesia

At the end of 1903 Kartini married to the Regent Rembang. But in profile and biography RA Kartini mentioned, marriage is the pressure from the parents. Many of those who estimated that at the moment married Kartini still want to live with free time. To make the parents to proud, the woman is better to follow desire of the elders. But it is destiny so wills where one year after getting married Kartini must call by The All-Powerful.

It is in profile and biography RA Kartini mentioned if women are not get a formal education. Kartini is only able to school until age of 12 years. However, the school was provides many other benefits where he can learn Dutch language. After can speak Dutch well, women are often sent a letter to some media, which is in the Netherlands. There are many who was very impressed with the writing that was made by Kartini. This is because at this time he is first woman indigenous Indonesia who regularly sent a letter to the Netherlands.

One of the letter that was made by Kartini was out of darkness comes brightness light. A letter that one is very well-known and to many discussion by the experts. In profile and biography RA Kartini letter is if it is a symbol if indigenous women must come forward and can be better. The women need to get proper education and the same as the men. It was at that time only men that many to get proper education. While women more silent than and married at a young age. The Kartini was to get much appreciation, and until now this land is always remember women on the grounds.

 Book by  RA Kartini 
  1. Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang
  2. Surat-surat Kartini, Renungan Tentang dan Untuk Bangsanya
  3. Letters from Kartini, An Indonesian Feminist 1900-1904
  4. Panggil Aku Kartini Saja
  5. Kartini Surat-surat kepada Ny RM Abendanon-Mandri dan suaminya
  6. Aku Mau ... Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. Surat-surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar 1899-1903 
The award for R.A Kartini
  1.  Hero Independence that is set on the date may 2, 1964
  2. On April 21 to celebrate the day are great who came to be known as Kartini Day
  3. The RA Kartini receive an award to make his name as the way in several cities in the Netherlands. Just mention, in Utrecht, Venlo, Amsterdam, Haarlem.

2 komentar:

  1. R.A. kartini was a great woman who I amazed by the struggle ....

  2. Yes . she was the hero of the emancipation of the first woman in indonesia
