Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

Examples Biography

Examples Biography

Winarto he was born in June 15, 1997 in Rembang. He was the son of two children from Sagi and Parinem. Winarto's brother name Asrofi. Winarto completed basic education in SDN 2 Gunungsari Kaliori, Rembang. Then, he join Junior high school students in SMP N 2 Kaliori from Rembang. After he had finished his studies in junior high school. He continued his study in SMK MUHAMMADIYAH REMBANG from Rembang. This year, he just graduated from the last June. Winarto since he was a kid having hobby football. When he was 13 year old participate school football in the regions. He had also qualified members bounding Pati age 15 year. Unfortunately, he was lost in the semi final round. But, he did not give up. He was always follow competions or bounding football. In the SMK After he was out of school football because it could not be manage time. At SMK he had two champions Competition worksheets IT division Networking Suport took place for Rembang. At SMK he found a new hobby Fudsal. He continues to invest School average at the University of Technology Yogyakarta.

by. Winarto

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